What's goin' down in the 'hood?
At the leisure facility I frequent, they have installed some new hairdryers. The styling nozzles contract when they get hot and leap off the hairdryers. Last week I couldn't find the leaping nozzle anywhere. As I turned to leave, I caught sight of myself in the mirror. The nozzle was nestled in the hood of my duffle coat. I don't always use the dryers, but a few days ago I was going straight from the gym to a governors meeting so I decided to carefully dry my hair and attempt to make it look sleeker. I took out some 'leave it in' conditioner spray and closing my eyes to prevent sight loss, I liberally conditioned the mirror. Along with the new hair dryers, the gym now boasts some screens which measure your progress and let you listen to TV or radio as you exercise. I was listening to Classic FM and Dvorak's New World symphony was about to begin. I seemed to remember it was quite lively so I thought I would increase the pace of the treadmill. I notched the dial up to number 7. I didn't seem to be walking much faster so I turned it up to number 12. Still moving at a languid pace, I wondered if the new machines were faulty. When the symphony began, I thought my ear drums would burst.
If ever things in your life aren't where they should be, if your direction seems uncertain, if you can't seem to get moving, there's a verse in 2 Thessalonians chapter 3 which I think is an appropriate prayer, it says, "May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ."
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