Wednesday 8 June 2022

Fire escape

 Staying in little flat in Telford, I was really hoping I wouldn't set fire to anything.  The fire exit was clearly marked but there were a number of obstacles to overcome before I could secure my safety in the gated brick courtyard just outside the window. First of all, being short and fat I couldn't reach the handle of the window to open it, secondly I couldn't climb onto the draining board, thirdly I don't think I could possibly have fitted through the window.  Nevertheless, the necessary health and safety rules had been followed, the escape sign was displayed and the landlord was within his rights to allow a little fat woman to die in the flames, and serve her right.

As a Christian I am very confident that escape from death is less convoluted than escape from my Telford flat. The Bible tells me in Psalm 68 that "Our God is a God who saves, from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death." I don't have to lean over and climb up and squeeze through, God lifts me from death to life in one effortless moment as I trust Him.


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