Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Christmas isn't a wash-out.

This year I put up a Christmas decoration in my front garden. I made it from some old laminated chipboard. I carefully painted Mary in her traditional blue outfit (Wilko’s Ocean Spray) and Jesus wrapped in swaddling bands using brilliant white gloss (Wickes) I looked for a three-quarters used tin of something in green for Joseph’s cloak but nowhere amongst the 23 almost empty paint tins I’ve saved for touch-up jobs, was there a suitable shade. I eventually decided I could mix Mary’s blue with some yellow poster paint. Moments later Joseph had a green coat. An hour later it rained and Joseph had a brown laminated wood grain coat. Jesus remained strong.
This year hasn’t been one of the happiest I’ve had but it hasn’t been a total washout. Despite the sadness, Jesus has remained strong.
At the base of my model I have the word ‘joy’ and at the base of my life the same word rings out. I believe it is possible to still have joy even when some of life’s colours fade. The old carol talks about the coming of the Saviour being tidings of comfort and joy. This year I have known the Saviour bring both into my life.

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