Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Eating paper

Yesterday I thought I would eat a packet of salt and vinegar crisps. It is probably a year since I did that, so I was quite looking forward to it. Surprisingly,the crisps were large enough not to fit in my mouth at one go. I bit into a large, fairly thick crisp. Half went in my mouth and two quarters fell on the floor. Invoking the ten second rule, I picked one quarter from the floor and put it in my mouth, it was part of a brown paper envelope. Search as I may, I could not find the other quarter. It seems the only logical conclusion is that the two quarters turned into brown paper as they fell to the floor. I remember as a child, I used to occasionally eat paper. It seemed quite acceptable as long as it was a small piece and as long as it was white paper.
I ate soap once too but I was tricked into it by my brother. Last Christmas I ate reindeer but I still feel guilty about it.
Taste is a remarkable sense don't you think? I wonder why, if we have evolved, we have such an amazing sense of taste. Evolution would no doubt develop nice and nasty, because we would need to know if we were eating something rancid or poisonous, but why would we develop the ability to enjoy so many different tastes? And why do we like listening to music if we evolved - it doesn't make any sense.
When I couldn't find my broken crisp, did it mean it had turned into the corner of a brown envelope? I don't think so. It had probably joined all the other food that miraculously congregates way back under a refrigerator and the envelope had been on the floor all along.
Certain things are difficult to explain but it doesn't mean they aren't true.
The Bible says, "Taste and see that the Lord is good, happy is the person who trusts in Him."
Do you know, I've found that to be so true. God is good and when I trust in Him I am happy.
I can't explain it very well but I tried it and it worked.

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