Christmas Nibbles
Have you ever had Christmas nibbles? Have you ever nibbled them?
Why are things that you can always eat several of in one mouthful, called nibbles?
You can nibble a very large biscuit or a big block of cheese, but you can't actually nibble a nibble because there isn't enough of it to hold between your finger and thumb and gnaw at with your teeth, which is what I think nibbling is, i.e "To bite at gently and repeatedly." If you nibble a nibble you will bite your fingers. If you have ever accidentally bitten your fingers you will know how much force you exert in a simple nibble.
I think people maybe do nibble at Christmas though. They don't want to really get their teeth into Christmas because that would mean exploring whether Jesus was actually the Son of God, actually born to a woman who had never had sex, truly born to rescue a world with no hope of eternal happiness, really born to be the Saviour of a world that includes them. For most people that would be biting off more than they could chew. And yet that's what Christmas is, a celebration of something that you can digest and live off.
Let me ask you to stop nibbling at Christmas. It might seem hard to swallow but once you've tasted it, once you've realised that it is true, it's the most wonderful feast.
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