Monday, 7 December 2015

Needless Needles

A friend just asked if her tree would still be green by New Year if she put it up now. The old song came to mind, "O Christmas O Christmas tree, forever green your branches. Your leaves so green in summer time, stay bravely green in winter time.. etc " I told my friend to hairspray the needles, which I seem to think I once read was a good idea, although it may have been to do with fixing pastels on a drawing, I can't quite remember the details.
It got me thinking about Christmas itself and whether it will last 'til New Year. I think, like the hairspray information, many people enjoy Christmas but can't quite remember the details. They know it has to do with giving presents AKA going into more debt, and also there is a lot of food and drink involved. Aside from that there is something religious about its origins to do with a baby in Bethlehem but as all Christians are hypocrites, (we think, although we can't quite remember the details) we will reserve Jesus as a swear word for severe situations requiring a particularly forceful expletive.
I love Christmas and actually, I can remember the details. For me the joy and truth of Christmas lasts all year. The story that God became a man and lived on earth from conception to his premature death on a cross, still holds tremendous meaning. The Saviour of the world has rescued me from a life of  needless worry, of needless expense, of needless fear. If you can't quite remember the details of how that happens, dust off your Bible and read one of the Gospels. I believe God came to earth at Christmas to bring meaning to your life every day and I can assure you it lasts way beyond new year, with or without hairspray.

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