Friday, 2 December 2016


At the swimming pool I came across some 'pro-age' shampoo that someone had left on the bench. It was over half empty so I figured I could steal it with impunity. Having checked with the staff that such theft was acceptable, I washed my old hair with the shampoo which promised to restore fullness and strength. What I hadn't realised was that the hair it would restore fullness and strength to, was the oldest and greyest hair. It stuck out at least 2x fuller than normal. To be fair to Dove, the shampoo did not call itself 'pro-youth,' so I should not have been surprised that it did what it said on the bottle. 

 Shampoo and cosmetic companies often market products based on their youth renewing properties - they rarely work. The Bible talks about our youth being renewed when we meditate on God. It says "those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength,"   I have found the Bible to be true.
I have discovered the strength that God supplies is enough for each day. We often need so much more than physical strength when life throws stuff at us, We need  inner resolve and resilience, we need someone to hold us securely and love us eternally. I have found that love and security in Jesus, It might not keep my hair brown, but it keeps my soul eternally young.

1 comment:

  1. I have used that shampoo and now my old hair is completely grey!! I don't think I can blame the shampoo though. Love the way you brought Jesus into the conversation. Ruth Rhodes.
