Thursday 6 March 2014


I thought Quinoa was pronounced. "Kwinoah" but apparently it's pronounced "Key Noir." If you cook it, mix it with spinach and add fish in sauce it looks like this picture. My husband is so amazing he actually ate it.
I had a pen set when I was a little girl I called it my "You-nick-queue" pen set, it wasn't 'til years afterwards I learned that 'Unique' was pronounced "Youneek." Out walking the other day my friend said we all had "Four Boils" I was shocked because as far as I know I've never even had one boil. She meant foibles - a minor weakness  or eccentricity in our character. I wonder what the word is for a major weakness or eccentricity in character, "twelveboils"?
I think I've got twelveboils.
Making mistakes is something we all do. As my friend says, "We've all got dark horses in our cupboards." She would add that sometimes these mistakes "throw a monkey in the wrench." Speaking of monkeys and mistakes, I was complaining about a service I had paid for and not received a couple of weeks ago and I told the man in no uncertain terms that I didn't want to speak to the organ grinder.
I'm so glad I don't follow a faith which relies on my ability to always do things right. I want to do things right, but I'm mightily relieved that if I mess up there is a solution. When John  writes a letter about it in the Bible he says, 
"I am writing this to you, my children, so that you will not sin; but if anyone does sin, we have someone who pleads with the Father on our behalf—Jesus Christ, the righteous one."

The Christian faith is younickqueue, I mean unique in this, and I am very happy.

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