Friday 21 February 2014

Left hand thread.

This week I fixed my bath tap. For weeks and weeks it has been delivering less and less water until it finally stopped dribbling all together. I checked the ball cock on the tank but as the other hot taps were working that wasn't actually likely to be the problem. I then consulted the infinitely  informative Youtube and discovered the probable cause of the difficulty and the probable remedy. Turning off the hot water proved more difficult than I had imagined as I was unsure which of the three stop taps to turn. In the end I turned them all, but needed mole grips to do it. I prized the top off the tap, undid the top screw and with my knee rammed against a large adjustable wrench which was holding the tap still, me and another adjustable spanner fought with the nut holding the inner workings of the tap prisoner. After a lot of wrenching, hammering, tapping and WD40 I finally released the tap's innards. The cir-clip came off without the screw driver blade slicing my finger ends and, trying not to strip the splines from the top of the device, I wrestled with the next stubborn nut. The problem lay in the fact that the washer had been screwed so far down it had got stuck in the closed position. The way to get the tap to work again was to unscrew the mechanism using a counter-intuitive clockwise twist. Fighting against my instincts I released the washer, smeared it with washing up liquid and tapped it back into its housing. I replaced the cir-clip without damage to my fingers and replaced the top of the tap. I prayed against an air lock and turned the stop taps back on. I am pleased to say, the tap works very well. The only other thing I have mended that has a counterclockwise thread is the tube of a vacuum cleaner. Sometimes in life, we want things to go the way we expect they should. When they don't, we occasionally get frustrated and angry and start hitting things with a hammer or shouting at God because it's not working or its not fair. I have discovered that God knows which way to turn things so they will work.
Sometimes, like especially at the moment, God seems to be turning me in a direction I am not comfortable with and I must admit I have resisted a bit. But my Heavenly Father knows how I was assembled and knows how to get me to work effectively, if only I will keep still and let him unscrew me. I was so pleased when the water ran freely after my efforts this week. I know that God wants to pour blessing into and out of my life and if I will stop struggling and let him deal with me, we will both be pleased with the results.

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