Thursday 24 April 2014

Mind your head

I was in Leamington Spa today. I am 5 feet 2 inches tall. The sign on this bridge wasn't all that relevant to me. I don't actually think it was relevant to anybody shorter than 6 ft 6 inches. I suppose if you are 6ft 6" you will mind your head on most things. Granted walking into a metal bridge would be quite unpleasant but it isn't disguised or anything. I once banged my head really hard on the underside of a table. I had bent down to pick up a fork and the arm of my glasses which were dangling on a string round my neck, went up my left nostril. Afraid that the plastic appendage would pierce my nasal wall and enter my brain, I jerked my head upwards with force. I should have minded my head on that table. Unfortunately nobody had left me a note.
Having your glasses on a string round your neck is both a blessing and a curse. I tried to open a door with my glasses the other day. I mistook them for the pass on my lanyard and was waving them at the electronic sensor and wondering why the door didn't open.
Some people think faith isn't all that relevant to them. It's OK for needy people who require a crutch or weak people who require an excuse but they don't really have much use for it. But there may come a day when you need help opening a door and if you wave the wrong thing at it, you might find it stays closed. In John 10 Jesus says this, "I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find good pastures. I have come so that you may have life and have it more abundantly."  I might not walk tall enough to bang my head on a bridge, but I do walk tall in the abundant life I've found in Jesus.

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