Saturday 24 May 2014

Behind you!

My husband bought a car last week. I got in it to drive it last night and there was no rear view mirror.
This was hugely disconcerting, as all good drivers know you can't signal or maneuver without looking in your mirror. Furthermore maneuvering is very necessary when you need to reverse off the drive to go anywhere.                                       Incidentally, does anybody else have to look up how to spell maneuver every time they use it? 
As a rule I don't like mirrors. I particularly dislike good mirrors. I had my hair cut yesterday and after being told, "No we don't have any gowns with a hood at the front," I had to face myself for almost an hour.
I have always felt it was the kindness and mercy of God that when he knit me together in my mother's womb, he put my face where I can't see it. What I had not considered was the hairdresser's take on mirrors. She felt that  careers advisers should warn people who go into hairdressing that they will have to get used to seeing themselves a lot more than your average person sees themselves.  The Bible says that when we look in a mirror, we walk away and then forget what we look like. I stopped writing for a minute then and tried to picture my face. I don't think I managed it. In that same Bible passage in a letter written by a chap named James, he says,  "Don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says, otherwise you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don't obey, it's like glancing at your face in a mirror - you see yourself,walk away and forget what you like." 
In Exodus 38, some women gave their mirrors away so they could be turned into washbasins. (the mirrors, not the women) That's a good concept I think. If we stop looking at ourselves all the time and instead we look at what Jesus did when he washed away all our dirt, we will see that reflecting his glory makes us beautiful whether we are or not.

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