Tuesday 27 May 2014

It's a wrap.

On Monday my daughter and son in law went to McDonalds for breakfast. I was in their car so I was slightly obliged to join them. I looked longingly at the bacon roll but decided I would need two cups of coffee to wash it down and as I had only just had a cup of coffee I decided to have nothing. I would really like to have ordered a Crunchie Mcflurry but it seemed a bit inappropriate at that time in the morning. I scanned the menu board for something else palatable. My children were having double something muffins. Why are breakfast muffins so popular? I looked longingly at the blueberry 'not breakfast' muffin but decided I would need two cups of coffee to wash it down so I had nothing. My eyes then lit upon something which seemed to me to be quite wrong - an egg and bacon wrap! An egg and bacon wrap - that's just wrong. What makes McDonalds think we want to put a perfectly good fried egg and a rasher of crispy bacon, inside a thin, dry, cold pancake along with some lettuce? I scoured the board for a plate of bacon, egg, sausage, mushrooms, beans, tomato and fried bread which I could eat with a knife and fork. Nothing. In my considered opinion, some things should not be in a wrap. I have occasionally had a sweet chili chicken wrap on a Monday but the wrap never manages to keep hold of the cucumber, lettuce and tomato which are 13% of my RDA and 3 or 4% rolls down my top spreading sweet chili sauce as it goes. The tortilla wrap (tortilla is Spanish for small cake) is never quite small enough to fit into my mouth if I only hold it one handed. If I get two hands round it and squeeze it a bit, I can usually get it in, but then the mayo oozes out and I find it on the steering wheel as I drive away. Another thing I find disconcerting about Mcdonalds when it's not busy, is that the person who mumbles incoherently into a microphone so that I have to repeat my order four times, is the person who serves me at the window and could easily have waited 'til I drove to the window and asked me what I wanted properly to my face. If I wanted to learn any kind of spiritual lesson from my Mcdonalds visit I think it would be that God only resorted to putting his love and goodness inside a wrap because we'd turned it down when he gave it to us on a plate and also that God wants to talk to us face to face not just through a metal box.

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