Saturday 19 July 2014

Thunder and lightning

There have been some quite tremendous storms the last few days and waking at 5.30 a.m. this morning I could hear the rain pouring down from my guttering onto the patio. I knew the gutter was blocked but I hadn't had the heart to get rid of the bird's nest that was the cause of the problem. To be honest it wasn't just heart I lacked, it was also ladders. The birds had dropped rose bay willow herb seeds in the gutter and they had grown wonderfully well in the rich silt. They were rather like high up window boxes but they didn't help the flow of water down the drainpipe. I decided that as I was awake I would attempt to clean the gutter by leaning out of the bedroom window and reaching up. I am quite short and my arms are proportionate. I decided I needed something long with an angled end so I could attack the birds nest and willow herb. My thoughts led me to a sand wedge in my golf bag. I went downstairs and into the outside store and brandishing the golf club and a claw hammer I returned to the bedroom. The rain was heavy and as I leaned out of the window with the 56 degree lofted club, it occurred to me that the middle of a lightning storm was possibly not the best time to reach out of the window with a long metal pole and wave it in the air. Anyhow, as I'd come this far I began to shove the club head along the metal gutter desperately trying to remember whether I would hear the thunder before the lightning hit or whether it was the other way round. I dislodged quite a lot of the plant but didn't manage to clear the gutter. However I didn't get struck by lightning which was fortunate. I changed my soaking wet pyjamas and returned to my sleep. Removing blockages is often tricky without the right tools. A few months ago, my husband bought some drain cleaner and a long red plastic device for cleaning plug holes out. It was marvelously effective and excessively disgusting. I have found that there are sometimes things in my life which require clearing out. Old hurts can block the flow of peace, unforgiveness and bitterness can both be pretty disgusting if they're left to build up. I have found that my faith in God and my understanding of his love for me, helps me to clear blockages which have sometimes impeded my usefulness. The Bible says that Jesus Christ loved us and gave up his life for us to make us holy, clean and washed. There's no need to dangle out of window trying to clean up your own mess and wondering if God is going to strike you for all the things you've done wrong. Jesus came to get rid of the blockage between us and God so we can be free and clean and useful. It's a great blessing to live in the knowledge that it works. Let me recommend it.

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