Thursday 3 July 2014

Washing Line

My tumble dryer has packed in for what might be the final time. I decided that this event called for a washing line to be installed. I happened to have 20 metres of blue nylon rope so I decided I would invent a washing line that means I can stand still and hang out my washing. I fastened a pulley on a bracket near the back door. I then ran a length of blue rope through the pulley and round a tree half way up the garden. I was pleased until I hung three sheets out in the wind. Their combined weight dragged them into the mud. I tightened the rope using a reef knot, which is the only knot I know how to tie. Unfortunately a reef knot will not go through the pulley. However, I was smiling to myself at my
partial success and thinking that even if it rained I would be able to hang out the washing without getting wet. That's when it occurred to me that hanging washing out in the rain was not such a great idea anyway.
Having achieved my goal for the morning I set off to my next appointment. As I arrived a lady told me that I had seeds and greenery all over my skirt.  I had noticed a few green grass seeds sticking to me when I wrapped the rope round the tree but I thought I had picked them off. As I was picking them off I was contemplating the amazing design of creation and how keen God is that things should grow and reproduce.
As I picked off a chunk of sticky weed and several more seeds in front of the kind lady who informed me of my camouflage, I wished I had checked the back of my clothing before rushing out to an appointment straight from inventing a washing line which you can use in the pouring rain without getting wet.

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