Sunday 7 September 2014

Shocks and progress.

Last week I was due to talk to some ten and eleven year olds about moving forward despite obstacles and opposition. I decided to illustrate the point by digging out some old 'shocking tanks' which would help the children to get the concept of keeping going regardless of receiving a slight electric shock if their opponent shot their tank.
I undid the battery compartments, removed the old batteries, remembered not to lick my fingers while they still had battery acid on them, rubbed the connection points with emery cloth and sprayed them with a generous squirt of WD40 . 
Controller number one had two broken handles but number two controller was fine. I inserted new batteries in the four components and pressed the trigger button of handset number two. Nothing happened, no lights, no zap, no movement. I picked up the number one handset and hit the button. Tank One moved slowly forward and the zap was more powerful than I remembered. I pressed the button again, This time the zap continued until my thumbs, wrists and lower arms began to tingle. It was difficult to let go of the controller but eventually I managed to throw it on the floor. The tingling and numbness continued for about twenty minutes. The tank had long since ceased its progress. I decided that my illustration of 'progress despite opposition', was not going to be best served by the old game, and that health and safety rules might possibly be contravened if I used the number one controller with the children. Looking on Amazon for some replacement shocking tanks I read, "These toys have been withdrawn from sale.We do not know why, or whether they will be back in stock." When I finally threw the broken handset in the bin, I felt that I had failed. I had not moved forward despite obstacles and opposition, I had given up because I don't like prolonged numbness of the limbs. A Bible verse from the book of Hebrews came to mind, "Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end. He did not give up because of the cross. On the contrary, because of the joy that was waiting for him, he thought nothing of the disgrace of dying on the cross, and he is now seated at the right side of God's throne." 

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