Thursday 7 December 2017

Mistaken Identity

I'm not very good at remembering faces.  I watched some children perform a Christmas nativity play. They did very well. My job was to do 'the talk' and I needed some children to help me with a magic trick. I called one child up and asked, "Were you a shepherd? " She shook her head. "Oh, sorry, were you a wise man's page?" She shook her head again. I looked at her blue outfit and realised she was Mary. How do you admit to Mary in front of 150 people including her parents, that five minutes after she has been standing with Joseph in a stable, holding baby Jesus in her arms, you didn't recognise her.
The morning after my daughter got married, we all met for breakfast in a hotel. I went and stood next to an elderly gentleman who I was sure was one of her new Grandfather-in-laws. Having asked him whether he had slept well, I inquired where we were sitting for our breakfast. He smiled at me and said, "I'm not who you think I am but if you'd like to introduce yourself properly I'll take you to breakfast." He wasn't with our wedding party at all.
In the Bible, Paul writes to the people at Corinth and says, "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ"
So many people don't recognise the glory of God in the face of Jesus. Maybe they just see a plastic doll. The secret of recognising who Jesus really is, is letting the light of God shine in your heart. That sheds light on who Jesus is so that you will recognise him.
Although I'm generally useless at recognising faces, I've come to not only see Gods' glory in the face of Jesus, but to know it.
To be honest, I could still walk past Mary and the new grandfathers in the street, but now that God's light has shone in my heart I can recognise Jesus immediately.
Maybe you could try it?

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