Saturday 2 December 2017

Keep out of the reach of children

My children are grown up now but my medicines are still in a high cupboard out of their reach. Unfortunately, last week, when I wanted some throat lozenges in the middle of the night, I had to climb on a chair to access them as they are also out of the reach of short fat adults. I fell off the chair.
As I lay on the quarry tile floor, thinking of whether keeping medicines out of the reach of children was still the best thing to do, I recalled the difficult philosophical question I had posed to some 9 year olds earlier in the week. "A boy left his front door open as he set off for school. When he got home his Mum told him off. The next day he left the front door open again, The cat escaped and got lost. When he got home his Mum was livid. Question - Was what the boy did on day two, worse than what he did on day one?"  One little boy pondered for a moment, looked me earnestly in the face and said, "Thank God it weren't me."
Life is full of "if onlys" but Jesus said an interesting thing which is recorded in Luke 9 ."No man having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the Kingdom of God." I think it means, keep going, stop wondering "what if?" Wonder "what next?" I fell off the chair trying to do something which once upon a time avoided danger. Things change - move on, make a good decision next time.

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