Thursday 19 February 2015


Last week I lost my balance during a game of Capture the Flag. Apart from losing the sock dangling from my pocket, which represented my life for the purposes of the game, I lost a little bit of my dignity. As I don't have a lot of that, it was notable. I hobbled back to my cabin, applied cold water, then continued in my attempts to capture the flag.
Another thing that happened last week is that my latest reading glasses became flexible and lost their balance. I can readjust them again but they aren't reliable because they have come loose.
Interestingly, before these two events happened I was thinking about equilibrium because of my deodorant. I had bought some of those compact cans which possibly emit less CF gasses, and also I suspect, despite claims to the contrary, less deodorant. I squirted Dove under my left arm and CF gas under my right arm. Squirt as I might, no more deodorant was escaping with the rushing pressurised air. I picked up a compact Vaseline canister, which I have never previously used but was on special offer, and completed my deodorising activity. Somehow I felt out of sync. My armpits had different fragrances. both pleasant, but not matching. I didn't have time to start over so I left the room feeling strangely unbalanced.
Life can throw us off balance for many reasons, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it messes with the way we see things, sometimes we just feel 'cockeyed'. I have found a verse in the Bible really helpful at such times so allow me to share it with you. It's found in 1 Peter 5 verse 10. I like it best in the old fashioned King James version but it's good in modern versions too. "But the God of all grace, who has called us to his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that you have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you."
It was my daily reading the morning I miscarried a child and as I've discovered through my whole life, God's Word is true.


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