Saturday 20 January 2018

The doctor isn't here.

Some time ago, I went to the doctor. She was very helpful and prescribed a course of antibiotics. They didn't work quite as well as she'd hoped so I made another appointment. The receptionist asked me who I had seen last time. I felt quite confident that I could pronounce the doctor's name easily. 'I saw doctor Al Hawindawi,'
The receptionist gave me a quizzical look, tilted her head to one side and said, "And what's your name?" (She didn't actually vocalize the word 'Dear' at the end of the question, but I heard it loud and clear)  She looked at my notes. "You saw Dr. McMannus," she said. When I got home I went on-line to find out where I'd seen Dr Al Hawindawi at the surgery and why it wasn't as ridiculous as the receptionist inferred, that I had got the wrong name. My research showed there is no such person at my surgery.
The Bible says an interesting thing in the book of Revelation. "...and I will give to each one a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it."  To be honest I've never fully understood that, but it made me feel a whole lot better about inventing a new person.


  1. I recently relented and had some hearing aids. Maybe you need some Dear?!

  2. oh shirley, how i love your awesomeness, you have an ability to make me laugh with your every blog post. keep writing xx
