Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Pecan Plaits and Christmas.

Last week I was feeling slightly sorry for myself so I bought a pecan plait pastry as a temporary fix. I loaded my other shopping into the car boot and decided to eat the plait straight away. I threw it across the open hatchback and the bag landed neatly on the front seat. Closing the boot and licking my lips in anticipation I climbed into the driver's seat and reached over for the bag. To my astonishment, the pecan plait had completely disappeared. I was both disappointed and baffled.
I felt certain the confectionery had been in the bag when I threw it but concluded I must have somehow dropped it into the boot in my haste. I got out of the car and walked round to open the boot again. That's when I discovered the pastry. I picked it up off the floor and ate it right there.

I don't know about you, but for me there are times when some anticipated pleasure turns out to be rather disappointing. 
Christmas is a case in point. You unwrap something and it isn't what you expected or what you wanted. For some people the real meaning of Christmas isn't what they expected or wanted.
A baby in a manger seems a bit uninspiring, even a bit disappointing. But if you stoop down and pick up what has been thrown about so carelessly, you will find the Saviour of the World, the Prince of Peace, the joy of life. God was lying in the dirt so you could reach him and hold him and know him. It wasn't an accident. It was as God's plan. It's a permanent fix, I've discovered it's the way to a life of purpose and fulfillment, (especially on days when I feel a bit sorry for myself.)

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