Friday 29 December 2017

'Twas 5 nights after Christmas

                                     'Twas five nights after Christmas
And all through the house
not a teaspoon for stirring -
all used by the spouse.
The plates were all piled
in the kitchen with care
in hope that the pot fairy
soon would be there.
When just near the sink
there arose such a clatter
as one mug too many
was placed on a platter.

Away for the dustpan
I flew like a flash
to clear up the mess
that was caused by the crash
I called for assistance
from family at home
But they were too busy
perusing their phone
Their lack of compassion
drove me up the wall -
that nobody helped me
in spite of my call
My angry red face
And my large rounded belly
Was simply ignored
'Cos of football on telly
I entered the lounge
where the family sat down
and tilted my head
with a withering frown.
They spoke not a word
unaware of the litter
as they just carried on
making comments on twitter
But they heard me exclaim
as I slammed out of sight
Merry Christmas to all
And to all a good night.

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