Friday 22 December 2017

Simplifying Christmas

 I thought I would make gift preparation quicker this year so I set up a word document to print off labels to stick on gifts.
I bought "Stampiton" labels. This well known brand does not feature on pre-sets so I needed to customise the size. The label size measurements are on the box, but I discovered I had no idea what the vertical and horizontal pitch were. I ruined four labels with one simple greeting. As you can see, I also wished everyone a Happty Christmas.
My second attempt was much more central and I spelled Christmas correctly but the senders name wasn't on it at all.

I'm so glad that when God sent Jesus on that first Christmas, he knew exactly where to put His  message of love and exactly who it was for. "You will find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger...and this good news is for all people." I do hope you have a Christ centred Christmas and that you discover the message of it, is sent personally to you, with love from God.

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