This is how I have to walk into my leisure facility. I am not waving at the staff, I am trying to open the door. The door sensor is designed for people at least four inches taller than me. Sometimes I forget and have to back up, raise my hand and repeat my advance toward the entrance. This is not the only problem I have as a short person. The chairs in the hotel are very nice leather upholstered dining chairs. Because I am somewhat overweight in addition to being somewhat under tall, when my backside sinks into the leather upholstered chair seat, my knees hook over the front bar of the seat hidden beneath the upholstery and my feet dangle aimlessly in the air two inches above the ground. This results in severe cramp which I would alleviate by pressing my feet to the floor, if only I could reach the floor, but because my rear end is wedged in the frame of the seat I am stuck there until either the cramp or a helpful person passes.
In Psalm 18 I read, The Lord reached down from above and took hold of me, he pulled me out of deep waters." How glad I am that God does not expect me to be tall enough to reach him. He reaches down to my short little personage and lifts me up until I stand as tall as him. I can recommend God if you're ever in deep waters. He wont criticize you for getting there, he'll just wait for you to shout for Him and then reach down to lift you out.
You are not short Shirley, it's just that everyone is really big these days. In Victorian times the average height of a lady was 4 ft 10 inches. Next time you are near Congleton come and visit our Church and sit in the Victorian pews, they will be perfect for you; 6 ft 5 blokes on the other hand don't know where to put their legs!