Sunday, 1 April 2018


 As I descended the steps to the spa pool this evening a man who was sitting in it, looked at me with surprise."I thot you was ovver theyer. She's yer double, yer exact double"
I looked across the swimming pool in the direction he was nodding. There were two people, one was a slightly overweight middle aged man with a bald head and a large tattoo on his chest, the other was a fat old lady with sunken eyes, wrinkled skin and lank hair. I never thought the day would come when I would hope to look like a slightly overweight middle aged man with a bald head and a large tattoo on my chest.
I'm a Christian, it's supposed to mean somebody who is like Christ. I thought about it after the spa pool incident. If somebody saw me, would they nod over at Jesus and say, "Yer his double, his exact double." Somehow I doubt it. I'm sorry I don't look as much like Jesus as I should. I'm trying to become kinder, more caring, more forgiving, more effective at helping others, but there are days when I forget and I turn back into what my daughter calls "an 'ian." The Bible in the first of John's letters says "My loved ones, we have been adopted into God's family and we are officially his children now. The full picture of our destiny is not yet clear but we know this much, when Jesus appears, we will be like Him because we will see him just as He is." One day I will be exactly like Jesus, I think we're all looking forward to that.

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