Friday 23 March 2018

Birthday Cards

I went to the market today to buy a card for my friend.
The choice was not extensive. I shuffled through "Fabulous Friend"; "Forever Friend";"Best Friend"; "Awesome Friend", I looked at high heel shoe pictures and glitter on flower pictures and drawings of glasses of pressecuto (or whatever it's called). After three and a half minutes I concluded that my search would be fruitless.
The market man looked surprised that I hadn't snapped up one of his marvelous selection. By way of conversation and to avoid looking rude by just walking off, I said " Do you have any for "Quite a Good Friend"?  I wasn't entirely serious as I knew that card makers would be reticent about that particular greeting card being massively popular. The market man however, didn't pick up on my attempt at wry humour. "No me duck, we 'aven't." He leaned over and straightened the two boxes I had rifled through, placing the "Female Friend" label back in a prominent position.

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