Thursday 26 September 2019

"Going Up"

I was quite excited to be staying at a hotel in London this weekend. I signed in, was handed my key card in its little cardboard jacket and told I would need it for the lift.
This was new to me so I carefully read the instructions on the silver panel explaining the procedure. I tried to slide my card in above the little diagram of the card near the yellow number 1. The card met with some resistance so I tried again, wiggled it a bit and tried a third time. Having fulfilled the requisite, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again," I looked for another option. That was when I noticed the slot beneath the silver panel. I slid my card in and fancied the little green light on the panel had lit up even though it was rather faint. The next instruction was easier, "Choose your floor." I was pleased that the little red arrow was pointing to my floor and I firmly pressed the number 2 on the silver panel. The doors remained open. There did not appear to be a door close button with the familiar two little arrows so I pressed floor 2 beneath the yellow highlighted third instruction, accentuated by the red arrow and waited again. Still the doors remained open. I considered carrying my case up the stairs and decided to have one more try at the number 2 on the silver panel. That's when I noticed the large black numbered lift buttons under the silver panel. Pressing the number 2, the doors closed at once.
Instructions are very helpful if you understand them. The book of Proverbs in the Bible says, "Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid." I have always found the instructions from God's Word very helpful. I often have to readjust my attitude in order to come in line with what God says and it is very challenging when someone suggests that if you ignore them you are stupid. However, I have discovered that God loves me and wants me to become wiser and happier. Unsurprisingly, whenever I have done things God's way, life has worked better.

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