I like to look out for good shampoo that people have left in the showers at my leisure club. It is an opportunity to find hair care products that might make my hair look less old and frizzy without me spending a fortune on a whole bottle only to discover it is no better than my normal economy version. This week there was a small bottle of something which looked quite expensive. I was not wearing my spectacles as I had just come from the swimming pool but squinting at the silver writing I could just make out the word shampooing. The contents were quite creamy and smelt acceptable however I do not recommend washing your hair in shaving cream even if it does cost £27 a bottle. I do recommend wearing your glasses if you are going to try putting something you can't quite decipher on your head.

In a further attempt to buy some quality toiletries I noticed that Corsodyl toothpaste was on special offer. I bought a tube and put it on the car seat next to me. I was very relieved to have it there because I was going to a meeting straight from a meal at a restaurant and did not have time to return home and clean my teeth. Opening the tube and squirting some paste on my index finger I rubbed my teeth vigorously. That's when I remembered why it was on special offer. It is the most horrible clinical tasting toothpaste in the world. I swallowed quickly and my throat caught fire as the bleeding gum remedy worked its magic all the way down my gullet.
A Bible verse came to mind as I reflected on my experiences, "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good"
I'm pleased to say that I've looked at God with my glasses on and with them off and have never seen anything but love. I have tasted the blessings of the complete protection of the Almighty and discovered they are not in the slightest unpalatable.
I should stick with what I know is worth having and stop trying to be a cheapskate.
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