Last week I sat relaxing in a beautiful leather reclining chair. I had leaned forward and managed to pull the lever to shoot out the leg rest. Some time later I discovered that the chairs are not designed for short legged people. Attempting to push down with my calves and return the seat to an upright position, I tipped the whole chair forward to resemble a leather slide. Grabbing the arm rests and scrambling backwards to avoid breaking the leg rest off altogether, I pushed my stubby legs down again to try and retract the extension. I was almost at the point where the leg rest clicks and locks back in place, when cramp took hold of my leg muscles. I lunged forward off the chair to try and relieve the pain. The 'not quite locked footrest' saw its chance, flicked open and added a hearty clout in the calves to complement my discomfort.
I recalled a Bible verse from Psalm 139. "You even know the small details of my life, like when I take a seat and when I stand up again." I rather think God was amused by my antics on the recliner.
The Bible also says that earth is God's footstool, so I know he understands how much heartache an uncooperative footrest can cause.
I'm not saying a thing!