Monday, 24 February 2020

Scratch Cover

It transpires that child proof lids are also difficult to put on. I shook the bottle vigorously, ready to evenly cover a scratch on a coffee table with the contents of my Pledge Extra Care Scratch Cover. It covered quite a few things, none of which had a scratch. I am intrigued to discover why this happened immediately AFTER I had steam cleaned my kitchen floor, rather than immediately before.
In the Bible there is a verse about covering things, "Above all. love each other constantly, because love covers a multitude of sins."  Sometimes we don't want to cover things, we want them to be seen because they've hurt us. We want others to see the scratches that have marred our lives so that they will feel sorry for us and make allowances for our bad attitudes. I was choosing which scratch to cover when I spilled the bottle this morning, it went all over the place. Can I encourage you to leave the lid off love today, shake it about a bit and see what a multitude of scratches it covers.

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