Thursday 5 March 2020

Open doors

I was heading into a meeting at my local
borough council offices today. I've been into the building quite frequently recently as it is where you sign on when you're unemployed. The doors work automatically as you approach them.
As they opened to greet me and I looked
down at my diary to check which room the planning meeting was in, there was a loud bang. I felt my left shoulder wrenched backwards.  Trying to figure out how I had managed to walk into a wide open double door, I looked about me. A lady with a push chair who seemed somewhat amused at my ineptitude explained tersely, "Winter settings."  After sidling through the slightly opened doors on my second attempt to enter the building, the receptionist confirmed that the automatic doors were on a setting which would keep the staff warm during the colder months. I think the bruises on my shoulder and arm will last for roughly the same period of time.
A verse from the Psalm 118 in the Bible came to mind, "Swing wide the righteous gates. I'll walk right through and thank God." I am happy to know that God doesn't have a winter setting on the gates he has opened for us to walk right through, thanking God that we are right with him because of Jesus. 

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