Saturday 14 March 2020


Keeping things at arms length is quite popular at the moment.
The new hairdryer at my leisure club is joining the trend.
The very springy wire to which the device is attached is particularly short and strong. In order to dry your hair it is necessary to sit down and bend forwards. There is another problem with the dryer which I discovered when I sat down and bent forwards, it is an inordinately long hairdryer for a person with inordinately short arms. With my elbow positioned at the normal 90 degree bent arm angle, there is not enough room to fit the hairdryer between my hand and my head. Extending my arm to make room for the whole hairdryer meant that I had to extend the short springy wire to its maximum tension. This required prolonged muscle strength which I haven't swung dumbbells long enough to acquire. Smashing a hairdryer into your head with the inertia of a coiled spring, hurts more than you'd think.
A verse from the Bible came to mind as I walked to the car with wet hair. I know it in the old fashioned version "God's arm is not shortened that it cannot save, nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear." In the midst of the viral panic, it's something I'm still very confident about.

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