Thursday 25 March 2021

When the bottom drops out


This week I thought I would make toffee using some left over butter and syrup. I didn't look at a recipe, I just threw some sugar in and put it in the microwave. When a looked at it 90 seconds later, the toffee was bubbling away nicely - so was the plastic jug. I removed it from the oven wafting away the smoke. When I lifted the jug from the turntable the bottom fell out. I don't think I'm the only one to have had moments this year when I felt like that jug. Burnt out, smelly, and pouring out mess until I was empty.

I am so very thankful to know that when the bottom drops out of my world, I have the security of knowing that, as Deuteronomy 33 says, "The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms"

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