Sunday, 25 April 2021

Stand here


Visiting the hospital this week I was suspicious that some of the staff had got CCTV set up to prove to their colleagues that you can now tell the general public to do anything at all in the name of Covid 19 and they will obey. I decided I was happy to oblige them in their experiment as I suspect they are mostly correct. I stood in the corner for a good few minutes. There were no other signs in the stair well which I was relieved about. This one neglected to tell me an appropriate time frame so I made one up. 

In Job there's a verse about standing still. It's not just a waste of time, it's so we can see the wondrous works of God.
I'm not good at standing still, I always want to be onto the next thing, but in times when you're up a corner and you can't see a purpose and you feel a bit silly, may I suggest you use the time to consider the wondrous works of God.



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