Wednesday, 18 May 2022

No bags under your eyes

I went to buy an almond croissant today. The store has initiated a new system for picking up bakery goods. The printed message explains why the paper bag I was hoping to put my croissant in no longer exists and there are no metal tongues either. 

I picked up my croissant with the single sheet of paper, reminiscent of my grandmother's newspaper squares hanging from a nail in the outside toilet of her yard.

So far so good, but I also wanted two pecan plaits. Holding the croissant carefully in one hand I yanked another piece of picking paper from the string fastening them together. I wrapped it round a pecan plait. That was both hands full. Trying not to squash the freshly picked plait, I tore a third sheet of paper and maneuvered dexterously to encompass my third item. The sheets were sufficiently large to cover the pecan pastries but would not fully wrap the croissant. There were no further instructions. I stood for a moment with the three tasty morsels balanced in my two hands. 

 At length, I spied the plastic bags almost imperceptible amongst    the silver trays. With some spare fingers I caught hold of a bag and with no little effort, transferred my goods into the possibly recycled plastic bag full of little holes.

I carried the items to the self service till and placed the bag on the scanner. Selecting bakery and then croissant, I hit the 1 item button. I then selected bakery and pecan plait. This was too much for the self service till because the bag contained three carefully paper wrapped items which were not identical. What was I to do? Should I reach into the bag and using the paper, remove the croissant and put it on the weighing scales. The till had already called for assistance.

The very helpful assistance arrived and told me to enter three almond croissants which I dutifully did.

I do not think buying three cakes should have been quite that stressful. In the Bible book of Numbers there are instructions for double wrapping items but God adds a carrying frame because he understands that wrapping and carrying multiple items isn't so easy. Psalm 139 talks about God wrapping me up, hemming me in and then holding me in his hand. I'm so glad God doesn't shove me in a bag with a load of other people and treat us all the same, he carefully wraps me and holds me and values me.



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