Monday 31 March 2014


    This is the bench in the swimming pool cubicle to which the notice above refers tell me, why would anyone want to stand on that bench? I suppose if the floor was wet you might want to sit on the bench and lift your feet up, but have you ever tried to put a swimming costume on whilst standing on a slim wobbly bench? Even I haven't tried that! When I go next time I would really like to ignore the injunction printed on the wall and see if it were actually possible to get changed whilst standing on the bench. I suppose if you wanted to see if there was anyone in the next cubicle you could stand on the bench and look over, but as the cubicles have short white curtains for doors, it would be much easier to shout, "Is there anyone in this cubicle?" or bend down slightly and see if there were any feet on the floor of the cubicle. This wouldn't work if someone else was ignoring the sign and standing on the bench to get changed, but if you waited a few seconds, the person standing on the bench would doubtless fall off it and would be lying partly in and partly out of the cubicle so you would know it was occupied and wouldn't need to peer over the top of  next door's cubicle from your vantage point on the unstable bench. Perhaps if you had a fear of verrucae you might prefer not to stand on the floor, but you could wear flip flops or a verruca sock rather than balance precariously on the bench to avoid the floor. I did once get a verruca, it came free with a pair of second hand sandals I bought in a charity shop.However I didn't go swimming until the Bazzooka Verruca gel had done its duty, So I'm baffled. There isn't a sign on the door saying, "Don't walk into this door" or on the shower saying, "Don't unscrew this shower and stick your finger in the live electricity supply" I can only suppose that someone has been spotted standing on the bench and rather than anyone risking offence by saying,"Get down off that bench you numbskull" they have written a notice ready for future numbskulls.  I think I would prefer a notice that said, "Somebody stood on one of these benches last week - they are currently in hospital recovering from a fractured skull." That might deter me from climbing on the bench.

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