Thursday 8 May 2014

Wrong choices

Today is not the first time I have tried to get into a car that wasn't mine. Even when the car next to it flashed it's lights and clicked I still attempted to open the door of the car I had decided I was going home in. It was dark blue like mine and was quite tall like mine but it was actually a completely different make and model.     I have also held hands with the wrong man in the street. He didn't seem to mind and we had walked some distance before I looked up and realised I wasn't married to him. My husband was walking along behind us and never said a word. I've walked off with the wrong trolley in a supermarket. I didn't return it, I just left it at the end of the aisle and took the long way round to collect mine. I've also sorted through someone else's trolley to find the bargains and put them in my trolley.Wrong shoes has happened more than once. I was sitting down about to play my guitar and a little girl came into the classroom. She proudly showed me her new shoes.  I said, "They're beautiful, are they Clarke's? Clarke's are very good. I wear Clarke's" I held up my foot but I was wearing a black Asda shoe. I was surprised because I felt sure I had put my brown Clarke's shoes on to match the brown skirt I was wearing. I held up my other foot and sure enough I was wearing a brown Clarke's shoe. The children were unconcerned but I got some strange looks walking round the CoOp  on the way home. Is it just me that finds it so easy to get things mixed up and make wrong choices.
In the Bible in the story of Joshua's life he comes to a point where he asks the people he is governing to make a choice. 
 “So now: Fear God. Worship him in total commitment. If you decide that it’s a bad thing to worship God, then choose a god you’d rather serve—and do it today.”                                            The people answered. God has kept his eye on us all along the roads we’ve travelled. Count us in we are going to worship God. He’s our God.” 
I've picked the wrong car, the wrong man, the wrong trolley, and the wrong shoe, but I'm confident I've picked the right God.

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