Sunday 10 September 2017

Toothpaste Spatter

Am I the only person who has taken an electric toothbrush out of their mouth before switching it off? What appears to be a fairly modest vibration manages to throw a million tiny white spots all over a black t-shirt. I also occasionally slaver down my clothes as I undertake my dental ablutions but I am less happy to admit to that. Last week I had failed to notice the white deposits on my shirt until I was fastening my seat belt as I left for work in my car. As I didn't have time to return and change, I grabbed a handy serviette which was on the passenger seat. It was a lovely shade of deep purple and had looked magnificent at the meal table from which I had rescued it. I rubbed at the white blotches until they were almost imperceptible. Checking my stain removing activities I discovered a large purple patch had almost replaced the white marks. There was nothing I could do. I sported the purple motif all day. Regular readers of my blog will not be surprised to know that this failure to remove stains and the propensity to make them worse by my efforts, reminded me of how glad I am that the mess I have made and occasionally still make in my life, is completely washed clean and left stain free because of the forgiveness of Jesus.  John wrote a letter about it in the Bible. He says, "But if we freely admit that we have sinned, we find God utterly reliable and straightforward - he forgives our sins and makes us thoroughly clean from all that is evil." May I highly recommend this wonderfully effective cleaning method.

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