Monday 9 October 2017

Getting a handle on it

Today I was astonished to see a shop selling a handbag with a handle missing and expecting someone to pay £16 for the privilege of  walking round with a cockeyed accessory. If it had been a long handle I think they could have justified it as being a shoulder bag and managed with one handle for one shoulder, but who wants a handbag which swings with a helpless tilt from your hand?
To be fair to the store, they were quite honest about the fault, 'only one handle' pretty much summed it up.
I suppose we sometimes try to cover up our faults, to hope people don't notice, to try and get away without admitting we aren't always as balanced as we'd like to be. Alas we're often only fooling ourselves. However, I've discovered some good news about my ultimate destiny if I admit my faults to Jesus. There's a verse about it in Jude, "God is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glory without fault and with unspeakable joy, through Jesus Christ our Saviour."  I am happy to know that because Jesus has died to take away my imperfections, I wont ever have to dangle lopsided and display a label stating my faults.

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