Monday, 8 October 2018

Spacial awareness

I was trying to fix an aluminium step ladder this week. The top platform is meant to press down and hold the ladder steadily in place. The ladder had been rescued from a skip and was slightly out of true so I figured a good clout with a hammer would realign it. I stood astride the ladder and swung the hammer with enough force to straighten the aluminium bracket, and, it turns out, enough force to cause a swollen ankle bone. I did eventually hit the correct target and painted several walls standing on the previously misaligned steps. I went out for breakfast on Sunday and the very nice hotel breakfast room became quite crowded over the two hours I had gainfully utilized the buffet facility. As I approached the smoked salmon and croissants, a large man was blocking the way in a small chair. In an effort to let me past he leaned forward in his chair. The chair stayed in exactly the same position and continued to block my path, The man seemed surprised that having purposefully leaned well forward, I still could not get past. Our perceptions of time and space can sometimes be as misaligned as my aluminium stepladder and as misplaced as my hammer swing. Things are not always where they seem to be. I've found that people often look for God outside of themselves and when they can't seem to find Him they feel he isn't there. In the Bible we read these verses. "Starting from scratch, God made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God. He doesn't play hide and seek with us. He's not remote, he's near. We live and move in him." If we can realise that God is near us, I honestly believe we will save ourselves a great deal of trouble and and pain.

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