Saturday 8 December 2018

Uninsured toilet.

I went to Specsavers for a free eye test recently. I crossed the road to get into my silver car and noticed a patch of rust that had not been there. That made me think maybe my eyesight was improving and I should cancel my appointment. When the car wouldn't open I realised I might need the appointment after all, as my car was actually on my drive not over the road and was actually a Kia Rio not a Ford Focus.
When I returned to collect my glasses I went straight from a long meeting which included three cups of coffee. I asked the lady if I could please use the toilet. She kindly went and got the secret staff key. Opening the door she said, "Just be careful because you're not insured."  I don't like the new glasses for three reasons, one, I can see cobwebs that were previously invisible to the naked eye, two, I look like Dame Edna Everage and three, I have to move my head instead of my eyes unless I want waves of nausea sweeping over me at every turn. On the plus side, check out my glasses case.

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