Saturday 5 January 2019

Conflict resolution

This week I did some excellent training on mediation and conflict resolution. I was tasked with playing the part of a mediator helping a lady and gentleman to sort out their workplace interpersonal difficulties.
I looked over the notes and jotted down a short script for myself. I had to make sure I had introduced myself, covered confidentiality issues, safeguarding provisos, the voluntary nature of the process, provided a box of tissues and explained where the toilets were. This done I was free to listen to the aggrieved in turn and note down salient points which I assured them I would shred after the meeting. At the end of the role play the clients gave feedback on performance. I am pleased to say their feedback was extremely positive and I was smiling inside and trying not to look too pleased and thus appear arrogant on the outside. They agreed I had covered everything very well and been calm and professional as well as warm and approachable. Just before the feedback ended, one of them said, "Just one thing. Why did you call me Luke all the way through when my name's Neil?"

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