Saturday 20 April 2019

Risk Averse

I know the world's gone mad, but yesterday I went on a fairground ride and was horrified to discover that there are now seat belts on carousel horses.This is a travesty. Every human has the right to fall off a carousel horse if they cannot effectively grab the pole or the horse's neck. Where is the thrill of the ride if you are restrained by a seat belt?
I didn't even wear a seat belt when I rode a real horse. The lady told me the horse was particularly suitable for disabled riders. What she neglected to tell me was that the horse was particularly suitable for producing disabled riders. It bolted down a steep hill and after falling off I was unable to walk for several days. Despite my uncomfortable experience I maintain the view that society's determination to remove risk and adventure from life, is as misplaced as I was when that horse galloped off unexpectedly.

I'm not particularly risk averse although I might be cheating a bit. Because I trust my life to Jesus it's so much easier to face life's ups and downs knowing that whatever happens He wont drop me.

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